Who Gets Peyronie’s Disease?
Around for 600 years, there is still unknown factors that dictate who can get Peyronie’s Disease. (7-9) million Americans suffer from this debilitating disease and there are 100,000 new cases each year here in the US. The Disease is most common between ages 40 and 70 but no age is exempt and even teenagers can be affected. The exact cause of the disease is not known. Since every penis is different, like a thumbprint it is a DNA thing. It is noted that it is liken to an “enigma wrapped around a thumb print”, it is important to note that not too much time need worrying: “how” one gets the Disease, but more importantly. How are we going to rehabilitate? Too many men create anxiety and depression over this, when the cause is of the least of concern. Establishing a proper PD Therapy Protocol is the most important issue and here in the US there are noting to consider is to not let the patient’s mind to worry so much about this as it is somewhat water under the bridge, the fibrous lumps can occur spontaneously, but it has been noted that scarring can follow sex or even a relatively mild blow to the flaccid (soft) penis, causing the lumps to form insusceptible men. Early studies found Peyronie’s Disease occurring in 1%-3% of men. Today it is known that this figure is closer to 10% by the time they reach the age around 54 years old and older. Although the disease occurs mostly in middle-aged men, younger and older men can acquire it. An important consideration is to note that a man who feels something odd, bending, achiness, curvature and angulation and pain starting and then seemingly getting worse over a course of 2-3 months should seek a professional expert Urologist that is qualified in Peyronie’s Disease. Dealing with Peyronie’s Disease, it is important to make immediate steps in finding a reliable and noted Urologist as soon as possible and seeking his advice. You can seek help in your area through your regular doctor or we can help direct you to a qualified Urologist here through our web site. Simpoly call or email us your information (name, address, Email, and phone number so we can reach you to help and we will send you a list of qualified Peyronie’s Disease Urologists in your neighborhood It is important to prepare for this initial consultation and is taking the time to acclimate yourself to learning as much as you can before you visit your Urologist for the first time is important. Schedule an appointment for a FREE Consultation with Mr. Michael Hays to get a brief pre-Urologist Consultation so you will know what to expect.
How does the device make the penis grow?
Although there has never been any case study proving this, it was noted in the IRB Case Study by Dr. Laurence Levine, (2007) that they were a noticeable increase in girth and length of their opened, although this could be capacity of tissues to react to a continuous traction impulse. The application of traction provokes the cells inside the penis to divide and multiply. Straightening of the penis releases the supersensory ligaments to relax, thus allowing for the patients to gain back some of the shortenings in length and girth the patient believes he is experiencing. The angulation of the penis and it creates a situation where it seems the angulation is shortening the penis when erect. Same with the girth issue. Because it is harder for the blood to get into the penile shaft, the girth will suffer because not enough blood is being allowed into the Shaft due to the blockage of the scar tissue forming in the inner lining of the penile spongiam cavernosa original PD problem to begin with and with noticeable girth displacement due to the scare tissue prohibiting the filling of blood. Fact remains there does seem to be some improvement in both length and girth areas, which is promising, but a medical IRB Cases Study would need to be completed to prove these points.
Does it help prevent penis shortening associated with Peyronie’s disease?
Peyronie’s disease often causes penis shortening due to degeneration if not treated. It is noted by some that traction medical extender device not only induces correction of penis curvature caused naturally, by injury or by Peyronie’s disease, but also prevents penis shortening and stimulates penis growth.
Where else is this principle of traction used?
This traction principle is used in surgical procedures for tissue expansion (regeneration of new tissues to cover defects, burns and hair loss areas) or in orthopedics (extension of bones or healing of broken bones). It is also used in stretching body parts in various cultures around the world for elongating necks, lips, earlobes, etc. There is also noted benefits for traction therapy for use for pre-& post- penile surgery and pre- and post- penile implant surgery as to helps stretch the penile tissue, hoping for as good 6-weeks prior to surgery to help expand to allow for a larger penile implant or prothesis. Post Radical Prostatectomy has also been noted to benefit patients after 1-year of rehabilitation from this surgery.
What is the procedure of the treatment?
Traction Therapy should be used with the penis in flaccid state.
It is placed on the penis and fastened in such a way that the greater traction force is applied on the side of the penis which is opposite the curvature so the device pulls the penis into a straight position, achieving correction of the curved penis . It should be used between 2-4 hours per day, 6-days/week, taking a day off to allow the penis to relax one day out of the week.
What is the ideal age for the treatment?
From 18 years onward, but most men catch Peyronie’s around their mid-fifties. Our research also included men of 70 and 80 years of age and it showed traction stimulates growth of tissues at any age.
Are the results durable and permanent?
Yes, results are both durable and permanent and do not diminish with time.
Will the stretching make the penis thinner?
No, the device stimulates division of cells inside the penis and so the penis grows in all directions – length as well as girth
Do I have Peyronie’s disease?
If you notice a bend in your penis or begin experiencing painful erections, a lot of things go through your mind — questions about how and why this happened, and fears of how it will affect your sex life.
Knowing the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease and understanding what may be causing them may relieve some of that anxiety.