Author Archives: Mike

Evaluation of vascular changes in cavernous arteries by penile doppler ultrasound in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy-

Evaluation of vascular changes in cavernous arteries by penile doppler ultrasound in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.

 A prospective database of 83 patients undergoing LRP was analysed. PDUS were performed at baseline and twelve months after surgery. International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and Erectile Hardness Score (EHS) questionnaires were also evaluated. A 12-month decrease in all hemodynamic parameters of both cavernous arteries was found except for the end diastolic velocity (EDV) […]

Current Treatment concepts for P.D.

Treatments of P.D.

Plastic induration of the penis (PIP, Peyronie’s disease) is an acquired and chronic disease of the penis, which is characterized by penile pain, distortion and deformation of the penis as well as the resulting impairments in sexual activity of the patient. Treatment for P.D.

Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie Disease, Traction Device, USPhysioMED

There are over 5.0 million American men that suffer from Peyronie’s Disease   Peyronie’s Disease is the name given to a condition in males that causes a bend or curvature in the penis during an erection. In some cases, the condition is mild, in others if can be so severe and painful as to prevent […]